I love Twitter because it offers many prominent figures an opportunity to be themselves and interact with their fans on a more personal level. I, like five million other people, follow Donald Trump on Twitter. Let’s be honest here, even though his opinions are often “politically incorrect”, this man has interesting things to say. Not necessarily good or bad; just interesting. Here are my top 10 favorite Donald Trump tweets within the last month.
1. The reason why I like this tweet is because it’s so ridiculously obtuse. I don’t see how the mainstream media is linked to ISIS at all other than the reporting, so how are constitutional rights (or in his opinion, the lack of) connected to ISIS? This tweet is a hot mess.
2. Typical Trump being typical Trump. I love it.
3. Here is the link to see the Instagram post Trump was referring to. Long story short, Kasich got roasted. Brilliant.
4. This is the tweet I always read when I’m doing a Donald Trump impersonation. Can’t you just hear his voice criticizing you in your head? Wonderful.
5. I completely agree! #TrumpForPresident2k16
6. ^^^ This is my new favorite pick-up line.
7. Honey, I could go head to head against Hillary in a Fox News poll and win.
8. Well at least he didn’t call her stupid, am I right?
9. Wait, you mean you aren’t? And here I was thinking you were one of those nice, sensitive guys.
10. And easy to criticize, apparently. Seriously Donald, give poor Kasich a break!