A Combination of Voices

A hush follows the crowd as people put away their cellphones, quiet their children and search for the last open seats. Black clothing starts to fill the stage. Five people, then 10, then 20, then 50, then a hundred as they take their seats in the church. St. Andrew United Methodist Church to be exact. The soft clicks of heels make their way forward then stop. A lift of the hands and around 30 stand, shaking out their arms at their sides, taking breaths. A soft stroke across keys begins to play as they open their mouths and the partner to the piano sounds. The voice. The sound of a hundred becoming one. 

On Mar. 8, Goldtones, Concert Choir, Men’s Choir, Treble Choir and Golden Silhouettes came together for their annual spring concert, except this year there was a twist. This year, Vista was able to team up with Mountain Ridge Middle School. 

“[The concert] was really cool because I remember in middle school when we would do the feeder festival and watching the older kids I’d be like ‘They’re so cool, this isn’t fair,’” Caley Edwards, 12, said. “Now we get to be the older kids and be that example for all the younger kids which I think is really cool and I hope that they continue to stay in the program.”

This year’s concert was the first time Vista was able to join forces with Mountain Ridge. Abagail Kana, 9, a newly minted Vista choir student, was able to be a part of the choir for the first time. 

“It was hectic, but it was super fun,” Kana said. “I liked that we were able to collaborate with the middle school, I think that gave it an interesting dynamic than what we usually do with just high schoolers. It was fun because we had a song together and I think that was a really cool experience for everyone.” 

Makayla Vargas, 11, remembers her experiences as a middle school choir student. 

“I loved [the concert] so much, I love seeing the middle schoolers singing. It reminds me of when I was in middle school and how far I’ve personally come,” Vargas said. “I know that in middle school I could never even think about singing by myself, I’m proud of myself for coming so far. 

Vargas was able to sing a solo during Concert Choir’s song, “Flights”. 

“I thought [the concert] was a really cool experience, especially having it in a separate place other than the Vista auditorium. It was so cool and there was this kid who was playing the organ during one of our songs, it was so cool to experience it,” Vargas said. “I had a little solo in that concert too and I think it’s probably one of my favorite solos I’ve done. It was so cool and everyone was so kind and positive about it.”

The concert was a way for some high school students to reflect on their prior years. 

“I thought it was a really great opportunity to be able to do that,” Christopher Nice, 10, said. “Since it’s not just our multiple choirs in Vista, we’re also combining with the middle school which gives us a little bit more of a perspective on what they’re doing compared to what we’re doing.”

Following the spring concert is choir’s biggest event of the year, Goldust, which typically happens in May. 

“I am super excited for [Goldust],” Kana said. “It is my first experience and I’ve heard a lot of good things about Goldust. I’m excited for the experience, it’s going to be pretty cool.” 

Students are now preparing their songs and learning choreography for Goldust. Edwards is in her last year of high school and finds the last concert equal parts happy and sad. 

“It’s really bittersweet though because it’s the last time I get to perform at Vista which is so sad because the last regular Goldust concert we had was my freshman year,” Edwards said. “So it’s kind of sad, but I’m excited.”