A Look Inside Vista’s Sports Broadcasting

If you go to Vista, have a kid who goes, or are just a high school sports fan, chances are you’ve seen a segment or broadcast on the Vista Now YouTube channel. Almost entirely student run, this channel is produced by the Sports Broadcasting program at the school, consisting of two classes of students with a passion for all things sports. 

Senior Jack Strassner has been in the program since his freshman year, seeing it as an opportunity to grow his skillset and interest in sports communication. 

“I like the opportunity to get to connect with the school, and build up a portfolio for my career, so that way when I get to college and do these programs, I have a bit of a head start on it all,” Strassner said. “We get to help with the production of games and help those who aren’t in the state of Colorado and are unable to see their kids play get an opportunity to watch them.”

Strassner’s jobs in the program consist of creating segments to put on the YouTube channel like player profiles and highlights, as well as building commercials that can be used in games. Students like Strassner are required to participate in broadcasts, filming and commentating on important games throughout the seasons. 

“The main goal is for people who have kids that are on teams and haven’t been able to see them live [to] watch [them on] the YouTube channel,” Strassner said. “It also helps build up our career.”

The Broadcast program’s advisor, Jeremy Goldson, runs a tight but effective ship to keep things running smoothly. 

“Goldson is a good teacher,” Strassner said. “He’s pretty knowledgeable with a lot of the editing software and just how to run a broadcast thing. A lot of people need his help, but he does the best he can and it’s also just a fun person to be around, and loves a lot of sports just as much as I do.”

After four years in the program, Strassner feels prepared to go into the professional world of sports broadcasting. 

“I just have a gigantic, gigantic passion for sports,” Strassner said. “It’s just something I wanted to continue.”