The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was released on May 2, following the previous installment featuring Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker. The movie also stars Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy, Jamie Foxx as Max Dillon, and Dane Dehaan as Harry Osborn.
I had fairly high expectations going to see this film, as I absolutely adored the first movie of the series. Needless to say, I was not disappointed. The movie was beautifully crafted, and emotions ran high in the theaters. The major plot twist that occurred towards the end of the movie could not have been done any better.
I felt as if I could really connect with Peter Parker as I was watching. Even though he has abilities that no ordinary human does, his emotions and motives truthfully developed him into a caring and lovable character. It made the story that much more powerful.
The movie also featured several action-packed scenes alongside the emotional ones. I think producers integrated different plot lines and stories very well together. The way the dominant villain was presented actually made me feel bad for him, and I loved Foxx’s adaptation of the character. I’m actually disappointed he will not appear in the third movie.
Overall I think the film was spectacular. It combined the right amounts of action, romance, and angst to create a compelling story. Though it was heartbreaking in some parts, I would definitely recommend seeing it in theaters. The third installment of the Amazing Spider-Man series is set to come out in 2016.