It is time to build awareness for society to stop and think about the use of r-word. Whether it is intended or not, it is hurtful to friends and family with a disability. Also, a form of bullying. The more people that ignore this hateful slur, the more disrespectful to people with disability. Visit www.r-word.org in order to make a pledge to end the r-word. Ending it is a step towards respect for all, disability or not.
There are many young people around the world taking a stand and raising awareness while encouraging others already. Youth is a prime advocacy for the Spread the Word the End the Word campaign. The Special Olympics are empowering people to address the r-word.
There are over 500,000 people who have already taken the pledge, and many more still pledging. Use this tweet to get the word out: I pledge #Respect thru my words and actions. Will you? Pledge now to create communities of inclusion for people with ID htp://r-word.org.
One of the negative stereotypes that follow the r-word is that disabled people are incompetent. This discourages the three percent of the world’s population has intellectual disabilities.
Help change the conversation. Rather than using the r-word use the word respect and help eliminate the demeaning use.
Over 60 percent of people today still think that disabled people should be segregated in schools and the workplace. There needs to be an attitude change in order to reverse the stigma and create a barrier to grow.S
Spread the word and end the R-word. Make a pledge to respect disabled people at www.r-word.org. Start the conversation to end the word.