Monday Wish Week recap

Students file in after a refreshing weekend, looking forward to the much anticipated, Wish Week. Student Leadership passed out purple ribbons to represent Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic Fibrosis is a disease that affects the way salt and liquid flow into cells, it causes the salts to leave behind a sticky mucus that can lead to digestive and respiratory issues and CF is what Walter, Vista’s new wish kid, battles.  

Walking to first period is like walking through a sea of red; almost all students are dressed in last year’s BAGP Spiderman shirt. The halls showcased new decorations which made  the school feel like a whole new place in the middle of the universe. 

Soon enough it was time for the opening assembly, music blasted in the speakers as students got ready for the start of the week of their lives. Mr. Weaver attempted to start a wave around the gymnasium and, with a little help from Jaffe, the whole gym timed their entrance to the wave. This was the last we saw of Mr. Weaver before he was kidnapped by the villains. He was tied to a chair and rolled out onto the center stage. Spider-Man emerged from the sophomore section to help rescue him. Spiderman fought well, but then one of the villains got an upper hand. Luckily, last year’s Wish kid was there to help him save the day. 

 Rynn and Chad, former Wish kids,  were both at the opening wish rally to help get the week started. 

The Varsity Poms team took the stage and painted a beautiful picture of longing through dance. The crowd went totally wild at the flips and unique interpretations of the music.

Jaffe then turned everyone’s attention to the projectors to fully introduce the new wish kid, Walter. The video gave everyone a look into the life of Walter and a look into his wish. 

The opening wish rally comes to a close with the leadership crew teaching everyone a new cheer. Vista will be using it to support the Boy’s Varsity Basketball team this Friday against our rivals, Thunderidge. The cheer itself is entirely space themed with a mash-up of astronaut-themed music playing as a guide to where the cheer goes next. 

After everyone was herded out of the gymnasium the school day proceeded as normal. Lunch happened, bells rang, and there was  lots of parking lot chaos. 

Students went home to do homework before getting ready for the big show, Vista Idol. Some students likely stopped by Torchy’s Tacos for dinner or the Gelato & Co for a sweet treat. Both restaurants had fundraisers in support of Make A Wish. 

By 6:30 the performance hall was packed with eager listeners. The show started and continued for two hours with incredible performances by students from all grades. Guest judges, Robert Wood, Jim Flanigan and Elena Paich cracked jokes and helped make the night even more memorable. Song after song, sung incredibly, and soon enough it was time to vote. The results came in and Nathan Kopec won. 

Time for the night to come to a close, for attendees to Vista Idol drove home, and for others to turn off the Livestream. However, as the night was closed out, everyone knew the first day of Wish Week 2022 was one to remember.


Emotions on display
The Vista Pom team performs an emotional, and beautiful dance at the opening ceremony. The team danced to the song “To Build a Home” by Ciinematic Orchestra and Patrick Waston. (Photo by : Danica Bradshaw)


Vista Smiles
Torchies had a line out the door for fundraising night. Students stopped there on their way to Vista Idol, located right down the road. (Photo by : Evan Wendling)


Sign of Love
Signing the wall of love, Daniel Lockridge, 11, takes a moment before the school begins to sign the wall of love. The wall fills up over the week with students leaving messages for Walter. Friday, when Walter explores the school, he will get the opportunity to see this huge wall covered with messages of love aimed directly at him


Therapy Dog Love
The therapy dogs came on Monday to help spread some love. Roo snuggled up with math teacher Gretchen Burr while Finley, at her first assembly ever, slept through every single moment of the event on PE teacher Sam Campfields’ tennis shoe.