Thankful Thursday


Starting off Veteran’s Day with Hershey’s kisses and a quote from the iconic Princess Diana, NHS president Brayden Tuers acknowledged and appreciated the veterans of Mountain Vista. NHS continued the gratitude by having announcements about what the students and staff are grateful for.

The counselors showed their appreciation for themselves by providing the teachers with a coffee bar.

Sharing the warmth of the community, English teacher Natalie Barnard said, “We all appreciated having fresh coffee throughout the day.”

While the staff showed appreciation for each other, the students showed appreciation for their peers and themselves. Students wrote notes on hearts and hung them in the upper hallway saying what their favorite part about themselves is. During lunch, the students wrote thankful notes to their friends or a random student. For all the school to see, FCCLA put up a thankful tree for students to anonymously write what they are grateful for.

Being thankful doesn’t have to stop after Thursday. Showing your gratitude towards people you know makes everyone involved more happy so spread the happiness.

Picking out a color, Natalie Essig, 10, places her thoughts down on the paper hearts provided for reflection on what students are grateful for at the MVHS library on Nov 11. “It’s really helpful for a lot of people, especially mentally,” Essig said. Essig had jotted down how grateful she was for her hobbies.

Standing in front of the MVHS library, Sian Quinn, 10, takes a look at the paper hearts posted with people’s thoughts on Nov 11. “I think [the hearts] are really beneficial,” Quinn said. The Wellness Week events had excited Quinn and left a good impression.

Wellness Check-in
Juniors Cheyenne Harding and Joslyn Welker participate in a Wellness Week survey during advisement. “The survey was very long,” Harding said. “I’m glad it was required because they [the school] needs to get an accurate and honest census,” Harding said. This survey was an anonymous check up on students and their wellbeing in and outside of school.

A Tree Full Of Kindness Photo by Kanishka Saxena
Sienna Biwer, 9, cuts leaves for the kindness tree. “I think [writing on the leaves] will be really fun [for kids] to have some freedom [because] some might want to write their own leaves,” Biwer said. Biwer thinks if the Healthy Decisions classes continue displaying the tree every year, incoming students will have a chance to see kindness exhibited in the hallway.

NHS kick off thoughtful Thursday by having students write words of encouragement to each other. “[we want to spread positivity and show] we all have the same heart,” Francis Meehan, 12, said. These notes of positive things were taped onto lollipops and given out at the end of the day. (Brooke Kubosh)
Uplifting words are spread throughout the school on thoughtful Thursday. “I wrote words of encouragement like, you got this, and stay positive,” Quynh Chi Nguyen, 11, said. Many students who walked past the table in the commons wrote notes to fellow students to participate in wellness week. ( Brooke Kubosh)

With focused eyes and steady hands, Brennan Baker, 11, prepares another lollipop with its matching note of appreciation on Nov. 11. “This experience is a really neat way of being able to show appreciation for others and spread a little kindness each day,” Baker said. “I wrote my note to Mr. McConnell [because] he makes physics a really interesting class.” Baker appreciates that all of the teachers here at MVHS know their topics really well and are able to prepare students for whatever comes their way. (ariana)
Despite the early hours, Natalia Zuniga, 12, is eager to help write uplifting notes to teachers and students during SOAR on Nov. 11. “It’s made me realize how small messages can make an impact on [someone’s] life,” Zuniga said. Zuniga’s favorite part of Wellness Week has been listening to the music that plays during the passing period and believes the notes are a great way to appreciate the teachers and students here at MVHS. (Ar)