It’s Time for Passion and Curiosity to Take Over Our Education System


I remember a time when I was excited to go to school. Learning wasn’t a chore, it was a passion. As a kindergartner, my favorite part of the day was the car ride to school. Every morning I was beaming with excitement and an eagerness to learn; learning was my passion. Now, I’m the complete opposite.


 The K-12 education system is a worn out and outdated system that has only let down the children of the future again and again. An education system established around class ranks, statistics and memorization will never be effective in equipping students for their futures. In order to make the education system worthwhile, the current curriculum must be reworked to invoke passion and curiosity into its students at a young age rather than memorization and unhealthy competition. 


“K-12 education is an exhausted, bloodsoaked battlefield. So let’s redeploy some of our education passions, on all sides, to an area where we may be able to find common ground: providing a foundation,” said opinion columnist Nicholas Kristof (1).


Instead of reforming the amount of homework students have each night or whether it’s necessary to take art or physical education, politicians and educational board members must shift their attention to the matter at hand; the wellbeing of their students. A basic education should be supplied to every student, an education that equips each student with the knowledge and skills for success during all stages of life. Students are taught how to survive, not how to learn. 


“School kills curiosity. When do children get to ask questions about things that interest them? As soon as they are at primary school they have to shut up and learn. It’s not the fault of teachers. They have so many targets to meet,” said educator Matt Caldwell (2).


Obtaining knowledge over a good grade will always be more effective. If schooling systems harvested curiosity and encouraged passion during all stages of the K-12 system, students would be eager to continue their education and actually be able to make a change in the world. 


Basic education should revolve around creating a desire to learn, grow and adapt; as soon as this educational shift occurs, the wellbeing and insurance of national and global security only increases. Passion is what drives mankind to do great things; it pushes individuals to use their limited time on earth efficiently and successfully. It is what encourages citizens beyond their limits and to reach goals that they set.


As soon as our classrooms are booming with passion and curiosity, so will our workforce and society. Schooling is one’s foundation for success, so it is politician’s and board members’ duty to spark this passion of learning for life. If education is going to be deemed as a priority, it’s time we get our priorities straight.