Day One of Wish Week at Vista

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Wish Week 2023 is here and the school spirit could not be greater. Students arrived at school, dressed in last year’s Be A Good Person shirt. Student leadership greeted them at the door, blasting music and bringing the energy. 

After 3rd period, Wish Week truly came to life with the opening assembly. Green ribbons representing Lucy’s disease were handed out at the gym doors as students flooded the gym. The assembly kicked off with a welcome from last year’s wish kid Walter and 2021’s wish kid Rynn. The Poms team performed their dance before nationals, videos of Lucy were shown, and 6 Build-a-Bears were handed out to students in memory of 2016’s wish kid Marlee. Highlighting Lucy’s favorite artist, Taylor Swift, senior Avery Schmitt and junior Payton Malburg, performed a cover of “Enchanted.” The assembly ended with student leadership teaching students this year’s cheer for the basketball game on Friday. 

For lunch and dinner, Firehouse Subs and Nicolo’s Pizza partnered with Mountain Vista and Make-a-Wish to raise money for this year’s Wish Week. As a special dessert, students had the option to head to Gelato and Co, also collaborating to raise money. 

In the evening, students flocked to Mission Hills to watch this year’s Vista Idol at 6:30 PM, with The Society of Shredding as the opening act at 5:45 PM. The singers this year all put in their best effort, but in the end sophomore Ryan Skariah walked away with first place, senior Lauren Schaefer and freshman Lainey Schaefer got second place, and seniors Taylor Witte and Isabella Kiely got third place. Overall, it was a great start to Wish Week and granting Lucy’s wish.