Littering At Vista

Mountain Vista has some of the prettiest views in Highlands Ranch, yet trash and litter are rampant in the parking lots and entrances. Some students have taken notice of the influx of garbage and want to change that.

“There’s a ton of trash right outside the tennis courts,” Lauren Dougal, 11, said. “There’s a lot of it everywhere.”

For the past year, clubs like Key Club have tried to solve the problem.

“Key Club has lots of events where members can pick up trash for community service hours,” Key Club member Sabrina Kessler, 11, said.

Though people try to help, it’s not enough to fix the problem and some people think more action needs to be taken.

“Classes should have to go outside with trash bags and pick up trash so students can learn how annoying it is for the other people who pick up their trash,” Dougal said. “People need to learn how to throw their own trash away.”

To solve this problem may take some hard work, but most students agree that Vista can clean up its act.

“I think if students start thinking and caring about the problem we can get Vista to be cleaner, but people have to start being responsible for throwing their own trash away and not just leaving it everywhere,” Kessler said.