Thanksgiving Break is fast approaching. You have very few days left in this semester. Use your Eagle time to visit those classrooms where you need some help!
Tuesday morning, Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) students lined the entrance to Mountain Vista greeting students. It’s Transformation Tuesday, a day to transform bad habits into healthy ones. Today’s activities were brought to life by HOSA students who made sure a variety of events kept students engaged throughout the day.
At the start of every class, an announcement was made giving students a quick brain break and a chance to stretch their legs. These brain breaks included activities such as; moving each hand in a different direction, thumb wars with a partner, and toe taps.
During class periods 4-6, a Physical Activity Fair was hosted in the main hall. Tables were set up with activities for students to show off their physical abilities and learn healthy habits. Doctors, therapists, and other professionals talked to students giving them guidance towards leading a healthy lifestyle.
To wrap up the day, HOSA students once again stood by the doors waving goodbye to their peers.
Victoria Demarest, 11, walks through the doors into the energy of Wellness Week. “[Wellness week] is really good for the school,” Demarest said. “It’s a really fun and good opportunity for everyone.” Demarest hopes to gain new experiences such as friends at Vista during Wellness Week. Photo by Jeanna ParkSmiling through the cold, Rowan Brady, Kellie Hare and Lili Dyer, 11, hand out empowering stickers to students. “[We want] to get everyone up and active,” Hare said. “But also getting involved in Wellness Week and showing effort.” Hare continues to motivate students by creating a unique energy during Wellness Week with HOSA. Photo by: Jeanna Park
HOSA students who are in charge of organizing the physical activity fair inform students about bone marrow donations. “It can save lives and it is definitely something that’s beneficial for people in hospitals,” Alexa Purcell, 12, said. HOSA helped plan all of Tuesday’s events during Wellness Week and shared information regarding physical health on the announcements. Photo by : Brooke KuboshDuring the challenge, Evan Mars, 9, shows how fit he is based on how quickly he can complete the required tasks. “Towing the sled [was the easiest part]” Mars said. The physical activity fair has sleds that challenges students to compete, racing their fellow students. Photo by: Brooke KuboshLooking at model lungs at the physical activity fair for Wellness Week, Taylor Witte, 11, converses with the health experts. “I learned about the risks of smoking and that a smoking lung can not take in as much air,” Witte said. The fair had many booths to educate students, as well as playiing games and participating in activities that raised the heart rate. Photo by: Brooke Kubosh
Addy Jones, 10, is a JV soccer player, but she also follows her Mountain Vista pride by taking place in Wellness Week. “I did push ups because of my friends,” Jones said. Her favorite part about Wellness Week so far is all of the booths out for fitness day. Photo by : Weston Nicholson
Math teacher Jason Acosta takes on the challenge of beating one of his students by competing in a push up contest. “I think [being physical] is a really good idea, I always like to get my kids up and moving all the time,” Acosta said. “It’s good because you all have a lot of energy, especially since last year you didn’t get to do anything.” Acosta thinks by exercising it helps your brain so much more with school work. Photo by : Weston NicholsonGetting ready for the teacher walk at Mountain Vista on Nov 9, science teacher Heather Riggs waits at the front of the school for her fellow teachers to join. “Our wellness walk is just a chance to get outside when we normally can kind of get [stuck] in our teaching cave,” said Riggs. She believes that wellness week has gotten better every year and is excited to see the event expand. Photo by : Grace Ren
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